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Scientific Methods Essay Example for Free

 Scientific Methods EssayRuben wants to determine if listening to different types of music will have an effect on a person’s pulse. His hypothesis states that if a person listens to rap music, their pulse will increase more than if they listen to other types of music. Ruben takes each participant’s pulse before, during, and after listening to 30 minutes of music. He has his mother listen to rock music, his sister listen to classical music, and his friend listen to rap music.     From the data collected, he determined that rap music raises a person’s pulse the most.1.Identify the independent and dependent variables in Ruben’s hypothesis.The independent variable is listening to music for 30 minutes. The dependent variable is the persons pulse and the type of music their listening to.2.Despite the results, this experiment is not able to support Ruben’s hypothesis. Suggest specific improvements that will make the experiment test the given hypothesis. Explain why these changes are improvements.